
  • People Transport  
  • Artist Relations
  • Catering
  • Concierge Services 
  • Content Creation
  • Day Rate Personal Assistants
  • Event Planning
  • Food and Beverage Supply
  • Gear Delivery and Pick Up 
  • Risk Management 
  • Talent Buying
  • Vendor Sourcing 
  • V.I.P and Hospitality Services 


  • Analog Boards
  • CDJ’s
  • Consols
  • Digital Boards and Mixers
  • Furniture and Props 
  • General Equipment Rentals
  • Lighting 
  • Mobile Network Packages 
  • Projectors
  • Power Supply 
  • Speaker Combos
  • Special Affects 

    All Rentals require a deposit and active Credit Card. If you don’t see something listed feel free to reach out and inquire so we can source you a solution.  We are open to and have experience accomdating our customers special requests.